“What I bring to each treatment includes a deep respect for the person and their condition, and my intuition under the guidance of spirit.”
Sabine Schnatz,
Shiatsu Practitioner

Some people love to read books, but Sabine loves to read energy. From the tender age of seven, she noticed her calming and relaxing effect on animals. She always liked to energetically connect with people by intuitively touching them, and in her early twenties was known by friends to give the best massages around.
Sabine was always interested in people and how they function. She studied education in the subjects of psychology, sociology, and psychodrama. After receiving a diploma in pedagogue (social work and educational studies) from the University in Frankfurt, Germany, she worked with children for some years.
As her interest in the possibilities of healing work grew, she began to take workshops and seminars in massage techniques, reflexology, yoga, reiki, and personal development.
Although all her studies increased her competency, Sabine´s life experiences have taught her even more—empathy, understanding, patience, kindness, gentleness, trust, and awareness of people´s needs.

While raising three children and overcoming a loss of a fourth, Sabine realized that her life journey belongs to the fields of energy and bodywork. This realization led her to discover a passion for Shiatsu and she pursued her Shiatsu certification from 2001 to 2005.
Seeking a unique way to live and work Sabine visited the Dominican Republic in 2006. Feeling at home instantly, she returned to Germany to prepare to move her family to the tropical paradise in 2008.
Since then, Sabine built her practice and in 2012 purchased an estate in the beautiful Perla Marina community. In addition, she has carefully crafted a special studio space, House of Shiatsu, which welcomes all who visit with a peaceful and tranquil feeling.